Toilet Training Your Canine Friend


Toilet Training Your Canine Friend

In 1931, A. Maria Hoyt (a.k.a “M’Totopo”) adopted a young female gorilla orphaned at a hunting camp in French Equatorial Africa. The name “Toto” was given by the American dentist, who, incidentally, became her best friend and the closest companion in her life until she died in a plane crash in 1960. After her death, Toto lived with her in a hut on the edge of the forest, where she cared for him, fed him with milk, cleaned his teeth and cleaned his fur. Over time, Toto developed an intense attachment to his owner, who in turn loved her dog so much that he went on to adopt Toto’s son, Trophies, whom he named Toto.

In the years since Toto’s death, there have been attempts to create the perfect domestic pet. Pet food manufacturers have made pet food out of all natural ingredients including meat, vegetables, and fruits. Many people also feed their dogs organic, grass-fed beef and chicken, which is healthier than commercially manufactured food. These pets, however, can only be purchased within the United States, Canada and some parts of Europe. Because of this fact, Toto cannot be afforded to travel.

One way to solve the problem of toto toilet bowl defecation is to buy a few plastic shopping carts to place inside the house, like you would find in a mall. The plastic shopping cart is then hooked up to an electric supply, which forces the small animal to defecate on a seat attached to the cart. These toilet seats are not as common as traditional toilet seats, and they often do not have a cover, so one must clean after the pet. However, this innovation has made it easier for toto owners to clean their toilets, even when traveling.

There are also companies that make “toilet seats” for your pet. These look like ordinary toilet seats, but when you press the button, it pushes a lever down into the seat and “clicks” it open, releasing the bowl. Your pet simply sits on the seat, and voila, the toilet bowl is empty again. These are typically less expensive, but they do not allow your pet to defecate anywhere but under the toilet seat, making them unsuitable for toto toilet-trained animals.

If you cannot find a cover to cover the toilet bowl when it is not being used, you can buy a specially made cover from the manufacturer. Some toto owners prefer to have a cover custom made, which is fine if you have a large dog or cat, and can sew the cover onto the bowl. If you are handy with sewing, this may be a good option. The same manufacturer makes toilet-seats for humans as well, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find a cover that will fit into the toilet bowl in your house. The best place to look for them is online. You can even buy one with an identification tag attached to let you know whose it is!

To prevent accidents, always keep a hand or arm out of reach of your dog or cat, as these animals often have difficulty rising from the toilet seat. Always supervise your pets when using the toilet, and keep the toilet lid closed at all times. You may also want to consider an indoor/outdoor toilet training system. This would allow your animal to learn to use the toilet inside the house, where accidents would more likely occur. Keep a look out for these systems in the next article!

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