Beauty Products With Plant-Based Ingredients Provide A Safe Way to Be Beautiful

Beauty is often defined as a mental or physical trait that makes objects aesthetically pleasing to see. Such objects could be natural landscapes, sunsets, beautiful humans and other artistic works. Beauty, along with beauty, is perhaps the most important theme of aesthetics, among the most important branches of psychology.

Charles Dickens, Gustave Caillebotte, and Sir Walter Scott are among the many famous authors who have popularized the term “beauty”. According to them, beauty exists on a psychological level, as an inner and outer character-expression. They argue that art works that depict the superficiality of human beauty through its representing objects in the most appealing way are not art but merely a superficial character-expression. Charles Dickens is famous for his treatment of physical appearances, such as clothes and shoes, in the same psychologically deeper way that he has been treating the characters in his novels. As Caillebotte and Dickens claim, art is not a superficiality but an expression of a deeper reality.

Caillebotte and Dickens argue against the vulgar anti-intellectualism of the post Enlightened age by showing how a proper understanding of human beauty can help us in becoming more intelligent and less hypocritical. They maintain that the physical appearance of a person is a crucial reference point for constructing positive character-expression, especially among the lower classes. This is because physical appearance reveals more about the person than any of his intellectual characteristics. According to Caillebotte, we can easily recognize a person’s physical appearance by observing his gestures and facial expressions. Thus, the expression of physical beauty is a crucial indicator of a person’s innermost desires and motivations.

The two French theorists also pointed out the deficiencies of the prevailing modes of evaluating human beauty. The prevailing aesthetic standards are those of contemporary culture. In the eyes of these two theories, beauty has been the object of critical scrutiny by modern man who does not have an adequate understanding of spiritual reality. In their view, modern man’s search for beauty has often been motivated by an unconscious desire for recognition. The two social theories concerning beauty, therefore, contradict each other since they both claim that beauty is subjective while the former suggests that it is objective and the latter believes that beauty is subjective and relies on empirical research.

Caillebotte and Dickens believe that we should aim to make ourselves beautiful through the accumulation of personal care products that are made from plant-based ingredients such as Cynergy TK and Coenzyme Q10. Both these substances are natural sources of anti-oxidants which eliminate radicals and toxins from the body system. Antioxidants counterbalance the harmful effects of free radicals and toxins accumulated in the body system. In turn, these anti-oxidants prevent the deterioration of our health through premature aging and sickness.

Both Caillebotte and Dickens also believe that beauty should be a matter of personal choice because scientific knowledge had yet to find out which substances are actually toxic and which are not. They only know that some chemicals are more dangerous than others. Plant-based ingredients however, do not contain harmful ingredients that may cause long-term health problems. So, it is reasonable to conclude that personal care products with plant-based ingredients to provide a safe route towards healthy and beautiful skin. These ingredients include grape seed extract, Shea butter, jojoba oil, and emu oil.

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