Health Problems That Can Result From Stress
Health is a condition of overall physical, mental and emotional well-being where infirmity and illness are absent. A number of definitions have also been applied to this concept over the years. One of the more common uses is to mean the state of being able to cope with life, whether mentally, physically or emotionally. In this way it is seen to be a primary component of personal value. It also has been associated with self-worth, with respect and acceptance.
The term ‘personal health’ was first introduced in the American Journal of Medicine in 1970. It was defined as the sum total of the vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration) on an individual, as well as the knowledge of the physical condition of the body (in case of pulse, for instance). The primary focus was to develop a framework for managing the risks of illness and injury in the work and in the community. This has subsequently been extended by other medical and research journals, becoming a subject matter of growing interest to those who care for others.
The need to develop effective methods of dealing with stress and strain, as well as to understand and manage the effects of illness and injury on the mind, have led to the development of both the word and the concept of health, encompassing all the aspects of life that affect physical health. For many years there has been a significant social influence on the health and well-being of human beings, and this continues today. The concept of health may now include the aspects of mental health and wellness.
An important area of health science concerns the determinants of health status. Determinants are characteristics of an individual that allow us to predict their future health status. Some of these determinants are genetically inherited, while others are determined through changes in the environment over time. Determinants can be physiological, such as the presence or absence of physical disabilities or illnesses; they can also be behavioral, such as the types of diet and exercise that a person engages in. Most importantly, though, there is the determinant of current lifestyle choices. These lifestyle choices can either lead to or result in a deficiency in one’s current health status, or they can result in a favorable change in health status.
In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the connection between work and illness. Studies on this topic have explored the effects of stress on the physical body as well as the mind. One of the most compelling areas of study has explored the relationship between work and illness. Researchers have noted that there are several common factors that lead to sickness and that they tend to relate to work. These factors, when combined with ones related to occupation and personal lifestyle choices, provide a very strong impetus for ill employees to develop illness. In this main article, we will discuss two of these factors: occupational safety and stress.
Occupational safety is an important factor that directly impacts the health of an individual. The nature of an occupation provides unique advantages and threats, which can alter an employee’s susceptibility to certain types of diseases. For example, those working in hazardous environments are at higher risk of developing a number of diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and certain mental illnesses. These occupations are especially associated with higher rates of disability and death due to work-related accidents. As such, it is imperative that employers take measures to ensure that their workers are not subjected to potentially risky conditions.