Using Google Keywords to Evaluate E-Commerce Websites


Using Google Keywords to Evaluate E-Commerce Websites

Do you have a friend who always eats everything in sight? Or do they let their plate get so full that they eat nothing until they are full? They probably eat the same thing all day long and then throw it away. Here are some tips for dealing with someone like that.

The first tip is to be aware of what they eat. Most people know that the words “eat” and “meal” go hand in hand but many of us don’t pay attention to the acronym E-A-T. Sentence examples: Eat a big salad. Eat dinner at the restaurant.

In the example above, if you heard the acronym E-A-T, what’s the first thing that would come to mind? That’s right, “eat a big salad”. However, this isn’t the best acronym because it doesn’t really say anything that clearly communicates what the authoritativeness or expertise of the author is. By memorizing this acronym, you can quickly spot the obvious cases where the author isn’t sticking to the source references.

The second best acronym is “EA – Everyone else”. By utilizing this, you can spot the times when the main content or the expert source is clearly e-a-t and not necessarily e-a-l. For example, if you were to look at the guideline “be careful what you read” or “don’t jump to conclusions” you’ll quickly see that this is clearly written by someone who has an expertise in a particular area, but it’s also written by someone who is very careless with the main content or the common sense. This person obviously has an expert level knowledge in whatever it is they are writing about, but it isn’t something that will help you in everyday situations. Therefore, you can pretty much rule out this as a good example of someone who is only using their expertise to write guidelines or articles to help others with the same lack of knowledge. However, when it comes to a case where the person is clearly stating their expertise in the title, it usually means that they know what they are talking about and have some skill in that area.

The third set of acronyms that you want to pay close attention to are “S – Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines”, “E – Excellent”, and “R – Search Quality Evaluator”. These three acronyms are there to help you separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the search quality websites. The first thing you’ll notice is, “S – Search Quality Evaluator” is often used in tandem with “EA” to help find low quality sites while “E – Excellent” is often used to find high quality sites. This is just an example of how the authors try to make sure that the two words are used interchangeably so that you don’t get too many low-quality sites in your search results.

Finally, you need to know that the last set of acronyms is “R – Search Results Revolving” which is a fancy way of saying that a website is considered” Revolving around Authority” and is therefore a trustworthy authority. The authors of these famous lists don’t like to use it because it gives the impression that the person doing the researching didn’t put in much effort. As stated above, the authoritativeness, trustworthiness, and skill of the person doing the research usually make all the difference between a trustworthy source of information and a source of information that most experts would definitely not use. So make sure that you’re using all three of these acronyms while doing your research on the web.

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