The Public Health Approach to Wellness

Healthy health is a condition where physical, mental and emotional well being is absent. Health is something that we all want to attain for ourselves and our family. There are different levels of health and this has to do with our bodies and the environments that we live in. When it comes to our body’s health, there are five areas of concern. These include cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal and nutritional. In this article, we will be discussing these different areas of health.

Caring for our public health system requires us to pay attention to all five of these areas. The way that we eat impacts our physical health as well as our mental well being. Taking care of our body with nutritious food choices makes us feel better and this helps to reduce the likelihood of incurring disease or illness. One of the best methods of achieving the optimal level of caring for our public health system is through good nutrition education.

Mental health is also affected by the way that we think. We may not have outwardly visible signs of mental illness but the impact that our inner thoughts have on our mental health is often not discussed. These thoughts can lead to stress and anxiety, and if unchecked, can manifest into physical illness such as depression, panic attacks, and even psychosis. Mental health promotion starts from a young age by teaching our children that there is nothing wrong with being scared, sad or angry. Encouraging children to express their emotions in healthy ways by allowing them to participate in activities such as singing, drawing, dancing or sports helps them develop healthy emotions.

The second area of public health promotion involves defining what “healthy” is. A recent study showed that fifty million adults are overweight in the United States. The definition of “healthy” has become more vague than ever before. Some experts believe that obesity should be defined as having a weight that is considered to be within the normal range. Other experts feel that being overweight is not the same thing as being unhealthy. They believe that weight should be considered as a factor when determining a person’s level of health.

When defining what “healthy” is, it is important to take into account both physical activities and non-physical activities. Activities that promote physical fitness, in particular, are critical to narrowing the achievement gap between obese and lean populations. Non-physical activities, such as learning activities, are critical to broadening the perspective of what it means to be healthy. Through learning activities, participants gain a sense of responsibility and control over their own health. This sense of control can help individuals live healthier lives.

In order for the public health approach to be successful, it should take into account both the physical as well-being aspects of wellness. Programs that promote physical well-being and minimize the impact of negative behaviors will likely have the greatest positive effect on an individual and his or her family. Conversely, programs that focus on learning and development, along with proper nutrition, will promote a more balanced and positive emotions. Individuals will begin to learn how to live healthy lives with a broader perspective and greater emotional well-being.

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