The Concept of Beauty


Our sense of beauty is not limited to the brain; it also extends to the objects around us. The objects we see can be anything we find beautiful, from a fictional character to a mass-produced knickknack. The process of identifying beauty is subjective, and it must be maintained as such. People should be allowed to judge the aesthetic value of artworks based on their own personal perceptions, and critics should not be allowed to impose their own definitions of beauty.

As Santayana once said, “Beauty is pleasure objectified.” We respond to the object that causes us pleasure. This is the very basis of beauty judgment. But is this true? How can we know what is beautiful? It is difficult to answer that question directly, because the experience of beauty is highly subjective. The question arises: Is beauty truly subjective? And how can it be that a certain object is beautiful if it isn’t useful?

Some of the most common philosophical conceptions of beauty are outlined below. The classical conception of beauty defines beauty as the arrangement of integral parts into a harmonious whole. This conception is reflected in classical and neo-classical art. Aristotle explains this concept in the Metaphysics and Poetics, and says that order is necessary for beauty. Beauty is also symmetrical. It is a harmonious whole. So, symmetry is a fundamental component of beauty.

The source of beauty is important in considering how art is created and viewed. The inspiration for “beautiful” art can come from several sources. For example, an “Instagram-worthy” photograph of a nature scene could have a wide range of influences. Many people don’t pause to consider the aesthetic value of things that they see and touch every day. However, this is an excellent time to reflect on the aesthetic value of objects around us. The Philosopher’s Notebook exercise can be very helpful in this endeavor.

In addition to varying cultural traditions, the concept of beauty has become a popular way to promote a certain aesthetic. While it may have been a natural evolutionary mechanism for humans, it has also been used by many groups to gain social power. Westerners, for example, brought their own conception of beauty to other nations, and used it as a means to convince other races they were less attractive than white people. The everlasting concept of beauty was born out of this phenomenon, and the process has spread throughout many societies.

A new platform for exploring beauty is Dazed Beauty. Art directed by Ben Ditto, the creative director of Ditto Publishing, and Isamaya Ffrench, the site explores the artistic world in all its forms. Pieces in Dazed Beauty range from the sexuality of a maternal woman to extreme body modification and creative coders. Nevertheless, the premise behind this new platform is to create a space for women to express themselves in their own way.

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