7 Foods That Make You Eat More


7 Foods That Make You Eat More

It is important to eat right if you want to have a healthy lifestyle. While eating right does not mean you have to give up all of your favorite foods, eating healthily does mean cutting out or at least reducing the amount of junk food you consume. While it may be difficult to do at first, giving up sweet treats, fried foods and other unhealthy foods can definitely help you lose weight and feel healthier.

The first thing you need to change in your diet is that you need to eat more healthy carbohydrates. You need to eat more whole grains, healthy fats like those found in olives and certain nuts and seeds, and healthy starches like brown rice and potatoes. Eating whole grains and potatoes help keep you feeling full longer, keeps your blood sugar levels more even, and helps your body to use stored fat for energy instead of using sugar and carbohydrates.

Next, reduce your calorie intake. A good rule of thumb is that if you eat two to three times more calories than you expend with exercise, then you are over-eating. Try to find different sources of calories by substituting a few of your everyday foods for healthier choices like nuts, olives and low-fat dairy products. Limit your sugar consumption by eliminating high-sugar candies and sugary drinks and replace them with low-sugar, healthier alternatives like water, juice or sugarless candy. If you are using artificial sweeteners, cut them out too, as well.

Another way to eat healthier is to eat more whole foods, particularly proteins. Lean protein sources include chicken, turkey, lean beef, tofu and nuts (in moderation). Protein offers your body necessary amino acids that help build strong bones, teeth and muscles. While avoiding fats and sweets can help you avoid empty calories, you should also substitute healthier fats for those that are full of empty calories, such as fake butter and margarine. You can also replace full-fat yogurt and sour cream with reduced-fat yogurt and skim milk.

Finally, add in some healthy carbohydrates. Whole grains and vegetables (especially dark leafy ones like kale and spinach) are great ways to add variety to your diet. Also, fruits and dairy products are great sources of vitamins, minerals and protein. Try low-fat, non-fattening cottage cheese and other grain-based alternatives (such as soy milk and rice cakes) or try whole-wheat pasta instead of pasta with meat sauce.

With your variety of foods, you’ll be able to eat more calories at each meal without gaining weight. Remember to drink plenty of water, eat slowly and exercise regularly. You’ll be surprised at how much you can eat and still feel full. Stick to whole-grain foods, protein-rich foods and decrease your calorie intake to lose weight.

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