TOTO Toilets – High Quality And Durable
Toto is stylized as TOTO and is the largest producer of toilet tissue. It was established in 1917 and currently is known for creating the Washlet and related accessory products. The company is now based in Kitakyushu, Japan, which has manufacturing facilities in nine other countries worldwide.
Among the brands of Toto toilet seats, Toto makes the most luxurious models. The Wavoid Advanced and Pro range are the two best toto toilet seats to be had. The Wavoid Advanced is a folding toilet seat with an integrated electric motor. It is said to be the best toto toilet seat to be used in small spaces since it can be folded down into a slim package. It is designed to cater to users with physical handicaps.
The Pro toto range is marketed as the luxurious toto toilet. The toto toilets from Toto contain features such as the auto shut-off system that reduces water consumption when the toilet is not in use, the integrated water-saving heater and the advanced auto shut-off system. The toto range also contains options such as the ability to adjust the level of spray to cater to preferences in both wet and dry seasons. The toto range is targeted at consumers with disabilities.
Among the bidets offered by Toto, the Washlet for Women by Toto, the Washlets for Men by Toto, the Toreto Dryer Bidet, the Toreto Undercarp Bidet, the Toreto Smart Lock Bidet and the Vistaloo Health & Wellness Bidet are some of the bidets. The Washlet for Men by Toto has the advantage of being more ergonomically friendly than other traditional washlets, since it uses a straight-edged washlet that contours to the shape of the male body and includes an extra panel that can be used to keep a bottle of shampoo or soap handy. The Washlet for Women by Toto is very convenient for its dual-flush system that allows users to select a high or low volume flush, which can be changed using a remote control.
Toto’s other range of toilet seats includes the Onan washlets, Onan seat and the Ambience washlets. The Onan washlet is aimed at the middle-aged group and is stylish, comfortable and well-designed. It has a low water consumption rate that can save a lot of water. The Onan seat is made from a luxurious fabric and is designed to be more ergonomically friendly than most other toto toilet seats. The Ambience wallet is stylish, smooth and comfortable to use and comes in a variety of colors. The Ambience toilet seat has the latest auto shut-off system that offers users complete privacy and has an inbuilt sensor for complete hygienic security.
The Toto Company is also involved in the manufacture of several other household appliances, such as the Toto microwave, Toto dishwashers and Toto steamers. For all these products, Toto manufactures stylish, innovative and well-designed products that are both function and fashion forward. A branded Toto dishwasher would go a long way in transforming any dull kitchen into a beautiful one and can also be a perfect addition to any homeowner’s kitchen pantry. Similarly, a Toto microwave could prove to be a great investment as it helps save on space and can cook meals faster than conventional microwaves. For those who are looking for a reliable and durable washing machine, the Toto whirlpool is the best choice. In this case, the company has added features such as self-cleaning, water-saving and anti-chlorine to make the Toto washer more reliable and efficient.