Is Beauty Just in the Eye of the beholder?
Beauty is often defined as a subjective feeling of aesthetic beauty, characterized by the feeling of satisfaction one gets when looking at a certain object. However, beauty is more than subjective. It is an objective quality that is possessed by objects and there are many instances where objects are not aesthetically pleasing due to several reasons such as the materials used to make them or their respective colors. Therefore, beauty is a very elusive concept and it is difficult to define and measure it in terms of a scientific basis.
Beauty is often associated with art and aesthetics and thus has been a major concern of philosophers, artists, musicians and other creative people throughout history. Such persons often describe beauty as a sense of delight in the form of beauty, its effects and its origins. For example, an object that is beautiful to an art object viewer may be ugly to another artist and this difference of opinion results in the term beauty being subjective. Beauty is often associated with the aesthetic senses which are developed in early childhood in order to determine the object that is most pleasing to the human eye. Beauty is also a subjective concept, since each person differs from the other in his or her personal choices of what constitute as beauty.
There are many opinions about beauty. Most people say that beauty is the natural beauty that is inherent in all living things, including humans. According to this belief, beauty consists of the “look” of an object, its size, shape, color, smell, touch, and appeal. In other words, beauty is primarily a matter of perception and it is up to the beholder to make that object look like or feel like the imagined beauty seen in his mind’s eye. The beauty people believe in can be found in the faces of newborn babies, the wrinkles on older skin, and the beauty of the artistic works made by different artists.
However, some philosophers argue that beauty depends on how the object is perceived by the beholder. For example, a toothbrush can be described by its appearance and its effect on the aesthetics; while a hammer can be defined by its usefulness and the utility of the object as a tool. Thus, beauty is dependent on the beholder, and it is up to him to decide what is beautiful and what is not. Beauty then is something that one beholds and not necessarily of what is visible. In this way, beauty can only be defined by the individual who sees it.
However, most psychologists and aestheticians believe that beauty is something that is seen and not something that is actual. As such, it cannot be described in terms of physical attributes. For example, when a newborn baby looks at you, she does not see your face but only the features of your face. You are seen as an individual with various features and this is what makes you beautiful. It is what makes the beholder sees the best in you and therefore, what makes you feel beautiful.
However, when you make-up for an appointment to get cosmetic surgery, you will have to convince the doctor that what you have on is really beauty. After all, not everyone who is beautiful actually has beautiful features. While you might have the genes that make-up experts say are responsible for your beautiful features, these are not the only factors that make-up artists consider when they create a make-up portrait. What is beautiful to one woman may not be appealing to another.