Toto is a Japanese brand of high quality, stylish and affordable jewelry. Although the term is not indigenous to one nation, the cultural language is essentially the same as that of Japanese. If you want to be familiar with it, you can easily learn it online. You can also find Toto products at various stores worldwide.
There are many similarities between toto and Hollywood forever. Both are renowned for their creative and intricate designs. They both have jewelry items for every season and occasion, including summer, winter, spring, autumn and so on. Similarly, both the brands have wonderful wizardly spells and charms for women who wish to look attractive and charming.
Harry Potter is quite popular among youngsters and Toto was a good alternative for the brand because they were able to make a nice gift. According to a Japanese review, Toto was named toto by a friend as a great gift for his friend’s 7th birthday. The Tin Man is named toto by Toto, who is a wizard, in the novel. However, both the characters have the same quest, namely to defeat the evil witch called Dolohha.
Like Harry Potter, Toto too is very well-known among youngsters and there are several replicas in the market. Toto is also named toto by a friend and according to a Japanese review, a lot of people have been inspired by the Tin Man when making their own Harry Potter Replica. The book, Toto wa Samurai, written by Koichiro Miura, the mastermind behind the movie, Tokyo Xanadu, has a lot of similarity with the original novel. There are many locations in Tokyo where the movie took place including places like Shinjuku and the Imperial Palace. When it comes to the design of the Tin Man costume, many people believe that the character was based on the wizard, Dorothy, from the book.
Toto was also inspired by traditional Japanese toilets. When the author translated the novel into English, the American publisher asked for some changes, which were incorporated into the novel. For example, most American toilet bowl was not present in the Japanese version of Toto wa Samurai. Instead of using the usual yellow colour for the toilet bowl, the Tin Man uses the white colour. The Tin Man costume, unlike the ones used by Japanese people, were made in white and black only, much like the ones used in traditional Japanese toilets.
Even American companies have started producing toto toilets. In 1998, a company called Wal-Mart introduced a line of japanned Japanese toilet bowls, called Toiletry tote. Some companies also named toto toilets as “gourmet toiletries,” a slight variation on the Japanese term for toiletries.